Digital Marketing and Advertising

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing involves many moving parts of the business that work together. These moving parts are necessary in order to build an interest of the potential buyer, increase the number of leads, and build the trust in order to close the deal. Digital marketing is the presentation of the business through online platforms such as: your website, social media platforms, advertisements, collaborations with other companies, or any other online platforms that your business uses to reach your target audience. In the simplest form, digital marketing is how you conduct your business through online channels.

What is Digital Advertising?

In today’s world, digital advertising is everything. Advertising has been around since the early 19th century. However, in the 21st century, digital advertising is the single most commonly used tool for bringing in business to companies. Just like technology, every year advertising evolves. At Armeni Group, we are always a step ahead of our competitors. Especially in advertising. It takes a lot of time and hard work to build the fundamentals of the business. However, it takes just as much if not more to build a successful business. So why not utilize every possible tool in order to bring in more business for your company?

Statistics of The Influence on Business From Digital Marketing and Advertising



“Heineken Light reached 54% of audience -- 35 million people -- in just three days using video ads on Facebook.”


“More than half of consumers who click on native ads do so with the intention of purchasing something, compared with just 34 percent who click on banner ads”


“88% of marketers say they have seen an increase in business from using personalization tactics, like for example ad targeting.”

Sprout Social

“90% of consumers are more likely to engage with posts that embrace the company’s personality.”


Why is Having a Team of Experts in Digital Marketing & Advertising Alongside You Important?

Understanding how companies drive revenue, it is impossible for a business to survive without utilizing marketing and advertising. Armeni Group has a motivated and result driven team that is able to provide you with the tools you need to win online.


Need help with digital marketing and advertising?

Schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation call with one of our experts on social media.